
C3D Labs & Respect Soft
Editing a curve on S-polygon of B-curve


Command Edvrtxs edits a curve on S-polygon of B-curve


Presets display parameters for curvature graphs
Specify Params to Dispay Evolute or Curvature for other Curves
Enter an option for curvature graph (0 - Radiuses / 1 - Curvature )<0>:
Enter a scale with sign for curvature < -0.25>:
Enter a number of interpolated points < 100 >:

Enter an option [Next/Prev/nUmpoz/setMorfing/incRmove/Setxyz/DEl/Insert/STraight/VIewcvt/Zconst/eXit]:
Next - Moves the cursor forward along the vertices of the S-polygon.
Prev - Moves the cursor back along the vertices of the S-polygon.
nUmpoz - Positions the cursor by the number of the vertex of the S-polygon.
setMorfing - Sets options for deforming a section of a S-polygon when performing incremental movement (option incrMove) Specify Position [Prev/Next/numpozU/eXit]:
Position the cursor at the last vertex of the deformation region
Set Morfing mode for Form Curves (1 - moving , 2 - morfing)<1>:
Specify the type of deformation of the section (1 - the section moves as a whole, 2 - the section is deformed according to a bell-shaped function).
Если 2
To deform according to the shape of a bell-shaped function, you must specify the interval of the bell-shaped function
For Morfing curve Specify bell-function site ...
Enter start point of interval [0,1]<0>:
Enter end point of interval [0,1]<1>:
If t0 > 0.
Is morfing start point? [0 - not morfing, 1 - morfing]
Если tk < 1.
Is morfing end point? [0 - not morfing, 1 - morfing]

incRmove - Enters the mode of incremental vertex movement.
Setxyz - Positions the cursor for the new vertex position.
DEl - Removes a vertex.
Insert - Inserts a vertex.
Viewcvt - Displays curvature graphs.
Zconst - Sets the Z coordinate.
eXit - Exit.