
C3D Labs & Respect Soft
Incremental movement of the vertex of a polyline


Command incrMove incremental moves the vertex of a polyline


Enter an option [Move/setStep/setDir/seeCurve/seeRads/seecVtre/scAle/exitUndo/eXitfix] :
Move - Moves a vertex by a given increment in a given direction.
setStep - Sets the step of movement.
Step of incremental moving<1.5726537>:
setDir - Sets the direction of movement.
... Current vector of incremental moving = (0.96961 -0.244654 0.0)
Specify vector of incremental moving:
seeCurve - Displays a curve.
seeRads - Displays the evolute of the curve.
seecVtre - Displays a curvature graph.
scAle - Sets the curvature display scale.
Scale factor for epura of curvature<-22753.18922117>:
exitUndo - Exit without saving changes.
eXitfix - Exit and save changes.