
C3D Labs & Respect Soft
Transforming NURBS curves


Command transforms NURBS curves


Enter an option [Elevate/Subdiv/Format/Addknot/Conic/toHermite/Reparam/eXit]:
Subdiv - Increases the number of vertices of a S-polygon NURBS curve.
Select NURBS curve:
Format - Changing format.
Select NURBS curve:
Max Number = 23
Enter start number of segm along rows<0>:
Entered number = 0
Max Number = 24
Specify quantity of segments along rows<1>:24
Addknot - Adding an unit point
Select NURBS curve:
Max Number = 23
Enter start number of segment<0>:
Specify param (0.1 < t < 0.9)0.5
XYZscale - Scaling curve.
Select NURBS curve:
X Scale:1
Y Scale:1
Z Scale:1
Reparam - Reparametrization of curve.
Select NURBS curve:
Enter number of units<26>:
Exit - Exit.