
C3D Labs & Respect Soft
Setting parameters for constructing a Bezier spline curve on Hermite tangents


Команда Setvars Sets the parameters for creating a spline Bezier curve on the Hermite GD tangents.


oRder - Specifies the degree of the B-spline.
Specify new subdiv mode<1>:
fixCurvatre - Considers curvature values at endpoints
Curvature in start point? [Yes/No]:
Curvature in endpoint? [Yes/No]:
fixTngsPnts - Sets vertex numbers with fixed tangents. Between fixed tangents there must be at least 1 vertex without fixation.
Max Number = N
Enter a number of fixed point::
fixOrttng - Sets the fixation mode for orthogonal tangents.
eXit - Exit.